Roger Guaus
Roger Guaus shoots with his stomach.
And, in this very moment, the camera becomes an extension of his emotions, his most nimble prosthesis, a new organ that hunts down images, that shoots at everything it encounters, almost without looking. Using the strength of instinct as the momentum for its actions.
“Arrelat” , routed underground, is that which comes from the depths, from the interior, from the recesses. From the inside out is the way in which Roger takes his photographs, like I said, from the stomach. And at the same time he is rooted, taking part, getting comfortable, staying put and getting to know.
Guaus travels to the center of his village, in search of everyday experiences, nothing extreme, simply hunting and mixing together the decisive moments with the not so decisive moments.
(Extracts from the text by Tanit Plana which accompanies he exhibition “Arrelat”)
Roger Guaus’ work is based on the intimate personal experience. He never changes his photographic method – he always brings a camera with him and takes pictures of all that moves him in some way.
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